Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Honoring the Experience

As I was biking to work yesterday morning, I saw this beautiful soft sunlight coming through a bush that had newly emerging leaves on it. It was such a fresh, light green that only a Spring birth can bring. I flashed on where I was at this time a year ago. Strangely enough, I really had to think about it, but remembered I was about two weeks away from submitting the final draft of my Thesis. I also remembered all the Northern Cardinals I saw in the New York woods that Spring. They always felt like little messengers to me--bringing me back into the presence of appreciation and gratitude. While I would love to see one floating through the trees here in Colorado, these striking red feathered men will forever be associated with those magical last 4 months I spent in NY.

As I kept riding my bike, I felt a greater emergence of peace about where I am now. I know that the anxiety and stress I experienced during my time in school helped me break free into this present serenity. I have gotten much better at honoring such experiences of late. While I’m still getting swept away occasionally by the old patterns, I know I am getting more efficient at catching myself as it develops. I’m allowing the witness within me to take an increasingly active role, letting her influence my perception more and more.

I recently got a great email from which hosts the Notes from the Universe. If you haven’t subscribed, please consider these short, inspiring notes that never cease to uplift and remind me of the magic of this world. Here’s my most recent favorite quote (it shifts often):

“Humility shows respect, Katy. Respect shows love. And love can only exist when there's a vision for prosperity, a belief in your own worthiness, and a sense that all is exactly as it should be. Cool, huh? Bring on the "butterflies."
~Notes from the Universe~

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