Saturday, March 17, 2007

"The Secret" Hype

Ok, so maybe you've heard something about the movie "The Secret". The teachers featured on this movie have been on Oprah, Larry King Live, and others. I even heard Bill Maher crack a joke about the Law of Attraction and the movie last week. So what's the big deal and why buy into the hype? I don't consider myself a sucker, nor am I a some kool-aid drinking zombie ready to follow what others see as the "true awakening". The law of attraction rings a bell for me- and a loud one at that. So consider seeing what the buzz is about, and even experiment with the lessons and see what happens. It may not be instantaneous, but what do you have to lose? A couple of minutes of less of complaints will make any one feel better, and maybe this movie and the teachings are how you can actually get what you want.
Check out my website, go to to order the movie- you can even watch it online.
Let me know what you think.

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