Months before V-day, I’ve recently been inundated with images of that chubby little boy with wings and a bow and arrow. Outside of the obvious association of getting plugged full of arrows when love strikes, I’m expanding my understanding more to the concept of divine timing. I’ve been a particularly impatient person when it comes to the pieces of the puzzle coming together. This Fall, I’ve felt this impending change approaching I’ve not been able to put my finger on. This feeling has intensified in the last week or so. I couldn’t tell you why, but I’ve been overwhelmed with the sense of the tide pulling out before a big wave comes in. What feels better is to focus on the possibilities, but my logical mind continues to throw up the potential obstacles, peppering the pictures with ways I’ve felt burned before. Have you ever wondered what today would feel like if we had no memories were triggered-- the pain, disappointment and fear that previously dominated our experience--when considering a current or future scenario. Wouldn’t we be so much braver and alive if this was the case? I put a connection aside because of the perceived impossibilities and the complexity and mistrust of my past whims. The irony is I just re-looked at the blog I wrote in June. I wrote about the hindsight of the power of trusting the overwhelming urges I had. I wondered at their ability to manifest more than meets the eye. I am so willing to look for as many reasons that my feelings and instincts are valid as I am to believe I’m just creating all this in my head. It’s no wonder I feel so confused. The trick here is that I don’t have an obvious next logical step to take. This situation is about managing my thoughts and energy. I can’t send off an email, make a call, or create an exchange. I simply have to be open and allow the next step appear from this fog I’ve created. The best way to use that time is to appreciate this beautiful spot where I’m standing. I have a clear choice. I can look around and freak out because I’m not sure where this is all heading, what the outcome will be, and fret over how all it will all work out—or I can let go and know that the pieces are falling into place naturally and perfectly. That chubster may very well have taken aim, but nothing says the arrows feel anything but wonderful as they hit their mark.
“Manifestation is an act of trust. It’s the soul pouring itself out into its world, like a fisherman casting its net to gather the fish it seeks; with each cast properly made, we will bring what we need to us, but first we must hurl ourselves into the depths without knowing just lies beneath us.” ~David Spangler~
“Manifestation is an act of trust. It’s the soul pouring itself out into its world, like a fisherman casting its net to gather the fish it seeks; with each cast properly made, we will bring what we need to us, but first we must hurl ourselves into the depths without knowing just lies beneath us.” ~David Spangler~
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