Example: Today and for the last days, weeks, months, years, etc you hate your job. It offers no redeemable fulfillment to your passion, satisfaction, etc. You feel no acknowledgment, no added worth, no appreciation for the work you do. In this harsh light, no wonder its hard to get out of work in the morning, Sunday nights are hell and Mondays and Tuesdays feel like extended torture sessions. Time for a reframe, and try not to argue with me to twist your thoughts back into your place of misery.
Your job and income may not offer you satisfaction, but it does place food on your table, pay for clean water from your tap, take waste away from your house (toilet, sink, curbside pickup, dumpsters), heats your home, lights your way so you don’t trip, can read and see to cook, provides a comfortable and warm bed to sleep in, pays for transportation in whatever form you choose, provides a space for refuge and entertainment, it allows you to go places so you can get perspective and peace, it may allow you to feed your children, pay for public education, parks, good roads, order and protection, artwork in public places, sidewalks, bike lanes, access to some of the best medical professionals in the world if you god forbid you become ill or injured, cleaner air, cleaner water, cleaner roads, beautiful and comfortable clothes, shoes for your feet, hot water to clean your dishes, soak and clean your body, and a toothbrush and paste so people will talk to you. Maybe this terrible job allows you to find your way to some other profession because now you know what you DON’T want to do. Please be careful not to devalue this particular characteristic. Many of us have spent precious time and resources doing things we thought we wanted to do only to realize differently—this was not a mistake or a waste of energy, this was part of the beautiful process of elimination.
There are always more chances and choices to have and be made.
You will always miss 100% of the shots you do not take.
I know and am maybe more cognizant at this time of what a great year it’s been for me. But I know what it took for me to get here—sacrifices, compromises, moments of panic and doubt and downright sheer terror. I know that this too shall pass. But I truly believe that most of it was possible for the simple reason that I believed it could be, for me and for you. With so much focus this year on lack, I wanted to show who ever took the time to read this (thank goodness for that great skill!) that I don’t take any of this new found abundance for granted. And the truth is that I am not any more worthy than you or anyone else. We all are worthy of the goodness this experience has to offer.
I wish for you all the abundance you deserve and are so worthy of: more laughter, joy, love, prosperity, hugs, kisses, smiles, and peace. Blessed be.
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