I experienced a lot of conflict yesterday. My ego popped in, and I witnessed my pain body nagging at me, both producing thoughts of indignation, victim-hood, and fear. The current of trust is still there however, carrying me even though I have chosen at times to ignore it. It’s like I’ve found myself in a swiftly moving river and in panic I’ve exerted this energy to swim to shore, when the river is the safest place to be. It’s hard to grasp at water, but seemingly easier to grasp at branches that will only keep you stuck in the same place.
I just finished listening to a radio recording of Elizabeth Lesser and Oprah Winfrey discussing the last chapter in summary of Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth. I realized that in searching for a job and outer purpose—the details of these things—was within my ego. I don’t believe that desiring and being attracted to serving a steward of the environment was part of my ego. I do think that wanting and fearing the actual details of what the job will be has been driven at times by my ego. I feel that when I get quiet, I know the truth of my outer purpose, although I have been unable so far to manifest what I thought was “the perfect outlet” for that. I’ve looked high and low, bringing my mind so far into it, I’m sure I’ve missed the miraculous clues the Universe has provided for me. Too busy looking. The quote that struck me today, was although I knew this logically, I’ve failed to implement it directly, giving over my purpose truly to consciousness: “Ask that what ever you do is in service for something greater than yourself”. I’ve asked that whatever I was pursuing be in service for me and what I’ve wanted, desired and sought for recognition and approval. But I have never fully surrendered to using myself as a conduit for Source? I know what it feels like, being aligned, having things given and arranged easily as if the invisible hand worked through me. Lately while I become more conscious and present, I’ve watched myself in the old pattern of pushing the river. I’ve been trying to make things happen, under the façade of allowing—all the time feeling like I was doing something “wrong” because things haven’t changed externally.
So in my new goal is to not only be present, but ask daily if not more often, that the Universe use me for the greater good. It’ll be interesting to see if this helps me let go of the “hows” and just go with where the river takes me.
1 comment:
Okay - what I was trying to post here was that I had a very interesting/powerful reaction. I've also been pushing the river in a lot of ways, especially with my studies and my procrastinations. We can talk more about that in person. Shanny
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