I thought I might add a more relaxed and enlightened entry after my last ferocious chat. The storm has passed and luckily the dust has settled. I repaired any damage done and can appreciate the resiliency of my relationships with others.
I finally feel the sense of renewal and possibility that Spring has brought. I attended a lovely service at Mile High Church on Easter Sunday. I felt as if Roger Teel was talking directly to me as he spoke of letting getting go of the limitations I've placed on myself. I feel fresher and enthusiastic, and a lot more allowing. I don't have a strong need to write more, so I'll just enter a lovely quote and call it good.
"Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source Energy of anything ever witnessed anywhere in the Universe." ~Abraham-Hicks
Came across your blog just today, and I must say it is like watching green fields, a morning sky ; very soothing and pleasant. Thankyou so much for putting it up :)
Bhakti, India
i appreciate YOU!!!!
I appreciate YOU!!!!
Roger's sermons are almost always a light for me too. I wish I'd been there too! I am glad you're feeling more centered. Shanny
Roger's sermons are almost always a light for me as well. I wish I'd been there to hear it too. I'm glad you're feeling more centered. Shanny
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